Monday, August 29, 2016

Four Black Paws!

Hey everyone!

Thank you so much for coming out on Saturday to support the Humane Society. We wanted to show our love for animals and the importance of adopting. We also wanted to bring some awareness to the fact that black dogs and cats are amazing! Black dogs and cats are typically the last to be adopted out, so we wanted to give a shout out to our four legged friends with our Four Black Paws Ale - a chocolate mint coffee stout.

Unfortunately it rained during the event and it was tough to keep the animals out under the tents. They were here briefly though!

Our family dog, Naboo, came in at 4:00 and we had a wonderfully cute toast with her, with Naboo Coffee Stout, and in celebration for adopting animals.

Thank you everyone for your support! When you add it all up - the complex here raised over $850 for the cause.

We are always trying to do what we can to better the Livingston County Area. Let us know what you see as a need in this area. We are doing what we can to show our love for Livingston!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Brewer

Monday, August 22, 2016

That’s no cantaloupe, it’s a Howell Melon!

No for real, there is a difference. Now maybe you need to be from Howell Michigan to be able to tell, but we know. The Howell Melon is different. And we like it!

Happy Monday Everyone!!!
Not happy it’s Monday? Oh. 
I mean, I guess we aren’t either… because we had such a great time at the Howell Melon Fest this past weekend!

Did anyone have some melon ice cream? Melon shake? Melon wine? Melon Ale?!!
We put 80 Howell Melons into our batch of Howell Melon Ale this year. It was a lot of time chopping and juicing, but we did it out of dedication to the cause! We hope you enjoyed our lightly sweet melon wheat ale we released in honor of Melon Fest!

We had fun in the Festival Tent on Friday and Saturday! It was great to see some of you there!

Have a great rest of your week this week and keep this coming Saturday available! We are having a Block Party with the Humane Society! We will have Naboo, our family dog, out on the patio for a toast with Four Black Paws Ale (a limited release), door prizes, donation opportunities, dogs roaming around, and so much more! 12-6pm! Join our entire complex to support this cause! We are donating 10% of all Naboo Coffee Stout sales that day to the Humane Society!

Your friendly neighborhood Brewery Captain.