Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Michigan Challenge Balloonfest is in One Month!

Howell is famous for the Michigan Challenge Balloonfest, an event put on every year with the Howell Chamber. This year’s event is June 26-28 and we are excited to be a part of it! You see, we are sponsoring the balloon Sunrise! This is a local favorite and we couldn’t be happier!

Throughout the week of balloonfest we are going to have some fun things planned! First of all, we made a special beer for the event, Night Glow Black Lager. It is lagering right now as I type. (Definition of Lagering: Cold storage, effectively for a beer to clear up and provide time for the flavors to meld together appropriately.) Night Glow will be released the Thursday before the balloonfest (Mug Club members will probably get a taste of it before then even!).

We are going to have two different Beer ‘n Brushes sessions to paint the Sunrise balloon (or whatever other balloon your heart desires) on canvas. The Ceramic Studio etc  has been coming down to help us paint wonderful things ever since we opened and now we get to paint this beautiful balloon! The two sign ups are Thursday, June 25 and Sunday, June 28.

Oh, and did we mention Barlow’s BBQ will be coming in Saturday? BBQ sold in house! Their meat is tender and smoky how it should be, and the sauces kick! We are also particularly fond of their coleslaw, which is so very different than any other.

Howell has a few professional balloonists right in town and thus we had the opportunity to meet the balloonists of Marti. Dayna got to go on a hot air balloon ride with them! Check out the footage!

We are excited for the Balloonfest! Are you?! What are you looking forward to the most?! 

Video Upload:  Automatic Video Creation from my Phone!

Dayna Selfie in the Basket

Mike helping get Marti off the ground