Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Covenant Wheat - You asked for it and It's back!

Michigan has finally hit one of my favorite times of year: the thaw after months of frozen air and frost covered cars. Heat has returned and with it comes the time to switch to the classic spring beer styles. We are heading away from the dark and heavy comfort of porters and stouts into the lighter drinks, and one my personal favorites. Wheat beer has a few different variations ranging from the German origin Hefeweizen to the Dutch Witbier. Many common wheat beer varieties have hints of fruit flavor to them, a nod to the season.

Here at Eternity our take on the wheat beer style is called ‘Covenant Wheat’. It’s a crisp beer with banana and clove flavors shining through. It was a crowd (and staff) favorite the first time around so we just had to bring it back. Smells like spring.

Euchre Tournament Re-Cap! (Sat. Mar. 28 is our next one...)

If you grew up in Michigan you know how to play Euchre, or may have been chided for not knowing how to play. This 150 year old card game is a staple in this state and we have now brought this past time to Eternity! Last month we hosted a Euchre tournament one Saturday afternoon bringing in whole families, couples and people off on their own to join in. We had full tables and everyone had so much fun with the 10 minute timed rounds and random play that makes you meet everyone there in a hurry! It rounded out with a couple lucky winners (individual play means there can be ties!) and it went over so well we had people asking us when the next one would be while they were walking out the door! 
Don’t miss out this month on the 28th from 3-5p or next month on April 18th from 3-5pm.

Friday, March 20, 2015

6 months. {:-O

We opened our doors September 23, 2014. It has been almost 6 months now! (and even longer since my last blog.) I was inspired by a mug club member to start writing again. I hope I can keep up with it now…

People come in they ask how business is going. I can’t count how many times we have answered that question. The truth is most people still don’t know we exist. We are tucked away in the corner of this shopping center and even with the giant sign a lot of people don’t see us. That being said, we already have a lot of mug club members (over 260 now!) and regulars who we love seeing every time they come in. We worked on the business for 3.5 years, so we are really doing just about what we predicted we would be doing at this point (which is comforting since we are engineers and like to plan with no surprises!).

Then after we answer the question of how is business doing, we also get people asking if we are happy we opened. No doubt, we are tired a lot the time, but it is all worth it. We love what we are doing. We love brewing, planning events, enjoying time with everyone coming in. It is exactly what we pictured and life is good.

Other business owners told us to prepare for little sleep. There isn’t really a way to prepare for that. It just kind of happens. To pay the bills, Mike still has his engineering job for probably a few years. He goes to work in the morning, comes home to the brewery and continues on with whatever work needs to be done here. I (Dayna) am full time here. I am generally the one doing the brewing starting in the morning or taking care of planning and inventory.

We are proud of our entire staff for sticking with us and helping us adjust each day to new processes to keep this place running as smooth as possible. Our staff gets to have a lot of input into the operations here and that makes the brewery fun and ensures we are constantly improving.  

I remember telling my parents when I was a kid that I wanted a job where I didn't have to do the same thing every day. Well, I finally found it, where I belong. 

 Mug Club Mug - A common sighting around here these days!


Our first day - Hop Bine Cutting (instead of a ribbon)