Monday, June 30, 2014

The floor makeover: Ready for the brewhouse

We have been busy cleaning things up and getting ready for the big day – the day the brewing equipment arrives. It all seems rather surreal. Taking things one day at a time eventually leads to an equipment delivery. Before the shiny stainless comes in, we need a shiny floor. Here is a before and after picture we thought would show off the work pretty well. What do you think?

Sad brewery floor "before"

 Shiny brewery floor "after"

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Sign

Has anyone seen it yet?! Our sign is up in front of the brewery now! It was a beautiful moment watching the careful work that was needed to get it mounted. We are excited because people are stopping by to check it out. We still have a lot of work to do on the place, but getting this sign up is a little victory we can cherish!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Painting Party at the Brewery

A lot of friends and family members have offered to help us with work in the brewery any time we need. This week we finally asked for some help to paint the rest of the brewery walls. (There is a lot of surface area there!) So we threw a party! The admission price was to paint, but the reward was pizza and beer!

Painting isn’t the most enjoyable task, but with friends and family gathered to help out, it didn’t seem so bad! Thank you all for your continued support. We couldn’t do this without you!

Moral of the story: Be careful what you volunteer yourself to do! You may just end up painting a brewery wall!

 Priming the back brewery wall

 Mike got to paint the ceiling in the vestibule
Um... more priming on the back brewery wall!
One wall down, move on to the next!